Billing for phone houses: tracking the cellphone number and IMEI

With Gestix Enterprise, you can enter the mobile phone number, IMEI, and other information, and perform any search on these details, to instantly access the customer record, invoice details, and all related information.

First we set Gestix up to input the IMEI along with the equipment Serial No, when entering a sale. On the menu Admin, Settings option Format of Numbers ensure IMEI/SIM CARD ID is selected.

Then you can tell Gestix to check user input according to one of the following options:

Behavior regarding duplicate serial numbers and serial numbers not in stock

Lower in the Gestix | Admin | Settings page, you can tell Gestix to behave in one of several ways regarding duplicate serial numbers and serial number that are not in stock.


No duplicates to make Gestix reject duplicated serial numbers, and to ensure the serial number is in stock when selling.

Duplicates to make Gestix allow duplicated serial numbers, yet ensuring the serial number is in stock when selling.

Relaxed/No duplicates to enable selling serial numbers that have not been previously entered into the system but still disallowing duplicated serial numbers.

Relaxed to enable selling serial numbers that have not been previously entered into the system, allowing duplicated serial numbers.

In our example we are using the Relaxed/No duplicates behavior so we can just enter the S/N and IMEI at the point of sale.

Tap Save at the bottom of the Settings page when done. Then, tap Back on the Admin menu to return to the main application menu. Open the Articles menu and open the iPhone XP product (or any other suitable product).

Select Serial Number option on the Product Traceability drop down menu.

Let’s try a sale.

Create a new invoice, choose the sample article and enter S/NO and IMEI
The sales ticket identifies the product to the customer, yet it can be personalized

Add a comment below for any questions or suggestions.

Product traceability by Batch Number or by Serial Number

Serial Numbers are used for individual product. Batch numbers are used for lots of a product sharing some properties like production and “best before” date.

b Enterprise enables you to choose which products to handle Batch/Lot numbers and which products to handle serial numbers like smartphones, computers, and automobile parts.

Avoid losses due to produce validity and warranties issues, while meeting common standards and best practices in produce traceability.

Gestix offers two methods for tracking products:

Serial Number Tracking

Each unit in stock is assigned a unique id along with other information related to that particular unit or piece (see here an example of application in aircraft parts trading).

Batch Number Tracking

A unique id file is assigned to a particular quantity of product, along with other information relating to that batch of product, including product date and expiration date.

To enable one of the methods, edit the Product Traceability field in the article record, and choose Batch Number.


Enter purchases, manufacture orders, and stock receipts with batch numbers being assigned by the operator or generated by the application.


On sales, identify the batch of each tracked product by selecting it from the drop list.


The final bill shows the relevant information for each item including batch id and dates.
